Guided Kayak Tour

Going out to sea or on a waterway aboard a kayak often has an intoxicating scent of freedom and adventure, one would want to go alone, or just with family or friends.

But while intimacy can certainly create wonderful memories, it should not be forgotten that choosing to take a guide has many advantages. Even when the sailing conditions are ideal and you think you are well prepared.

If you are not convinced, here are three parameters that will convince you that choosing the guide is making the best choice in kayaking.


The weather sometimes seems good to us, even ideal for going out unaccompanied. But the weather, if everyone can watch it, it is often much more difficult to understand it, and to know all that it implies. Parameters judged positive by a group can be understood differently, or with more depth, by an expert. For example, a bright sun for a whole day is great news, regardless of the point of view, but it is a parameter which also implies faster fatigue and potentially visual difficulties, and a guide is better able to ” anticipate these elements and take the necessary measures. In addition, certain parameters may be invisible to the naked eye, such as the depth of a narrow passage or the strength of a current.

In addition, it is unnecessary to remember that in the event of an accident or danger, the presence of a guide will always prove useful, even saving. Unlike ordinary people who have to rely on their network coverage to call for help (which is all the more dangerous since the areas visited by kayaks are often isolated and therefore poorly served), the guide will often have safe contact with the rental store or sports club, which guarantees maximum security. Finally, be aware that in accordance with the sport code, a guide will always have a towing line at his disposal in order to pull a kayak in difficulty, and depending on the conditions and the route planned, he will also have a kit in his kayak. rescue and a spare paddle.

The psychological presence of the guide is also a passive asset for safety during the outing. A kayak trip without a guide can very quickly become unpleasant, because of a technical inconvenience, of a member of the group who has difficulties, or as we have seen, because of a problem directly endangering the boat. group. The simple presence of the guide within the group makes it possible to impose a form of order, by the simple existence of an authority figure. The fact that it is a person outside the group who fulfills this position ensures that his orders will always be listened to in the first degree and followed without batting an eyelid. Finally, the simple fact of knowing that you are safer allows you not to make a movie at the slightest turbulence, and to enjoy your adventure with complete peace of mind.


Going with the flow is not difficult, paddling can be learned in seconds, balance in minutes, but becoming a canoe pro takes a lot more than a few hours. One of the best ways to truly enjoy any activity in life is still to understand it; it is difficult to fully enjoy something that we do randomly or with our own instincts. Also, having a guide to perfect our technique during the kayak trip is essential to learn well.

You shouldn’t be afraid or find it off-putting: the guides are not monsters, and they know very well that you don’t go on a kayaking trip to be at school. The goal will never be to be assailed by methods and theory. In addition, the guides know how to distinguish the group of amateurs from the group of enthusiasts. In the case of the first, a guide will give only a few useful tips, to make going out and contemplating nature more pleasant.

Lastly, if you fall in love with this beautiful activity or the place and want to return to the same club or rental store, you might be very happy to have some form of follow-up with your guide.

The opportunity to experience kayaking thoroughly

There is one phenomenon of everyday life that is easily overlooked, and that is, contrary to popular belief, people generally tend to perceive themselves as less competent than they really are. For each group that leaves without a guide and who unfortunately puts themselves in danger, there are about ten groups who leave without a guide, and who do less than they could have done, because they did not trust them. their capabilities.

It may be giving up a certain path, thinking it is too hard, or heading back too early, underestimating the time needed to get back safely. Be careful, this is not a call to take ill-considered risks, it will always be better to be safe than sorry. No one will ever blame anyone for choosing to be careful.

But with a few strokes of the oars, a good guide will already have a pretty clear idea, not only of your current level, but also of your ability to surpass it and improve in a matter of hours. Thus, the guide will be able to judge whether your group can take a certain path which is particularly beautiful visually or sportingly interesting.


Choosing to hire a guide, if it may seem off-putting at first, remains the best way to achieve the best kayaking trip possible, regardless of the composition of your group. Having a guide will not make family outings less memorable and outings with friends less fun. And that’s a great way to protect yourself, learn, and give your all during your release.

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Location kayak Basse saison
Du 1/04 au 13/07 et du 16/08 au 31/10
Location kayak Haute saison
Du 14/07 au 15/08